If your work stress is keeping you away from fulfilling your new year resolution of working out, we are here to help you out. With some fantastic chest workout at home, you can begin your journey to fitness.
You don’t have to sign up for a gym membership to workout because the good news is that you can do a chest workout at home without any equipment. All you need to do is get into comfortable workout clothes and begin your workout journey.
If you’re looking forward to building an excellent upper body, you need to begin with a chest workout at home, which is for beginners.
- Incline push-up: This workout acts as a warm-up before you begin with your full-fledged chest workout at home. Start with your hands on a wall and your feet slightly back, as if you’re supporting the wall with your hands. Lower your chest to the wall you’re leaning against while trying to keep your body straight. Pause for a few seconds before returning back to the same position.
- Push-ups: Get into a high plank position with your legs straight and your hands shoulder-width apart. Your hamstrings should be engaged, and your spine should be neutral. Bend your elbows at 45 degrees to lower your chest while maintaining your body straight. Go as low as you can and press your chest away from the ground until your elbows are straight. Go back to the start point before repeating the process again.
- Chest dip: Stand straight, facing two parallel bars and grab them. Keep your elbows straight and press into your hands while you lift your body. Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards your hands. Pause for a few seconds and go back to the start position before repeating it.
- Resistance band pullover: Anchor the resistance band on something sold and start by lying on your back with your head towards the anchor. The band should be 1-2 feet higher than your head. Hold the band overhead with your palms facing away from each other. Keep your elbows straight and your core tight as you pull the band towards your hips. Slowly return to the start position before following the workout again.
- Cable crossover: Grab the end of the resistance band as you step forward with 1 foot. Keep enough control on the band to keep it in front of your chest. Bring the band down by contracting your chest muscles and forward across your body at your belly button level. You can cross your hands to add emphasis to the serratus anterior muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the start before you begin with the workout all over again.
Whether your goal is to rock a sculpted chest in your unbuttoned shirt or to lift your little kiddos in the air, doing a chest workout at home will surely enhance the quality of your life. You can start doing these exercises at your home now.