The glycemic index (GI) is a symbol for the rate of breakdown of any carbohydrate-containing product in the human body compared to the rate of breakdown of glucose, whose glycemic index is considered to be a reference (GI of glucose = 100 units). The faster the process of splitting the product, the higher its GI.
Thus, in the world of dietetics it is customary to divide all carbohydrate-containing products into groups with high, medium and low GI. In fact, low-GI foods are the so-called complex, slow carbohydrates, and high-GI foods are fast, empty carbohydrates.
High GI products – insulin alarm clock
Foods with a high glycemic index, entering the body, are rapidly digested and increase blood sugar, stimulating the pancreas to a sharp release of the hormone insulin.
Insulin, in turn, does the following work: firstly, it distributes all the “excess” sugar in the blood evenly across all Anabolic Steroids from US Shop, partially converting it into fat deposits – a kind of energy “in reserve”. Secondly, obeying the ancient evolutionary instincts of energy conservation in the body, it prevents the breakdown of already existing fat in the body back into glucose.
Figuratively speaking, insulin is a strict and very stingy storekeeper who vigilantly monitors the consumption of energy reserves in our body (and simply – subcutaneous fat). He willingly contributes to the accumulation of fat, and does everything to ensure that this process does not go in the opposite direction – when the fat turns back into glucose and burns out, giving the body the energy it needs to live.
Thus, if your daily diet consists mainly of foods with a high glycemic index, which means that the release of the hormone insulin occurs in your body regularly and often, then you are unlikely to ever lose weight. Rather, you will continue to systematically gain excess weight day by day until you change your diet.
To insulin “sleep”
Foods with an average and low glycemic index are digested for a long time, broken down gradually and almost do not cause an increase in blood sugar. This means that the hormone insulin does not show its natural zeal in the accumulation of fats.
So, if you want to lose weight or maintain your existing weight, try to choose products with an average and low GI for your daily diet. Whereas high-GI foods may be rare guests at your desk.
Glycemic Index: Product Table
Recall that the standard is the glucose breakdown and absorption index equal to 100. Surprisingly, there are products that break down even faster – for example, beer or dates. However, if your goal is to lose extra pounds, you need to collect your daily diet from foods with a low or medium glycemic index.
Note: The table shows average values, without taking into account the characteristics of the preparation of the product, its degree of ripeness and other circumstances.